190 Visibility

Mamoudou Bia

  • Mamoudou Bia
    Mamoudou Bia
    Tu ne seras pas jugé sur la forme de ton corps.
  • Mamoudou Bia
    Les batteries de nos téléphones se déchargent, alors nous paniquons et courrons vers le chargeur. Nos âmes sont vides et supplient pour la recharge, mais jusque là nous oublions expressément nos prières.
  • Mamoudou Bia
    The Prophet (sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “If you give the son of Adam a valley of gold he would want another one.” (Sahih Muslim) The say that the grass is always greener on the other side, the more a person has the more a person wants. We cannot achieve satisfaction in the material world if we are chasing after it in such a way; rather, we should look to those who are less fortunate, this way we will remember the gifts, benefits and mercy that Allah has bestowed upon us with regards to our own wealth, no matter how little it may seem. Dr. Bilal
  • Mamoudou Bia
    Mamoudou Bia
    Comment detruire votre égoïsme et abandonner les péché- l'histoire de Abu Mahjah - Oumar Suleiman.